Campsites / RV Sites : Tenants are permitted to park two vehicles at their site side by side in front of their RV units and shall not park extra vehicle, boats or trailers on any other campsite. All vehicles shall be registered with the Resort before being allowed on the premises. Vehicle passes MUST be displayed in windshield at all times. Any additional vehicles must be parked in the visitor spaces, or any other location permitted by the Resort i.e. parking lots in back.
Tenants shall maintain the site in a clean and orderly manner, keep all items on the decks or in storage when not in use, will not permit a nuisance to exist on the site, and will maintain the RV or camper in good and clean condition. No rv’s or trailers older than 10 years allowed unless approved by management.
Lawn and resort maintenance will be completed by the Resort on a regular basis. This currently occurs every Tuesday and Wednesday. The Resort will weed whip every individual site. It's the responsibility of the tenant to block borders around anything that may be damaged by a weed whip: Skirting, Shrubs, Sheds and landscaping for examples. Tenants are also responsible for preparing sites for mowers; moving picnic tables onto gravel pads or other structures that make it hard to mow around or weed whip. Resort is not responsible for damage incurred by lawn maintenance if they are not up to resort specifications i.e. hard sewer pipes, or elevated.
The sites shall be maintained free of any accumulations or debris or other materials, which may be unsightly or lead to rodents. Any firewood piles shall be neatly stacked on the site.
There shall be no digging or driving of rods, stakes, posts, pipes or other objects without the approval of the Resort. Any damage to any utility line or pipe shall be the responsibility of the Tenant.
There shall be no deck construction of any kind without the express written approval of the Resort.
Campfires shall be permitted only in approved fire pits. The Tenant is responsible for the regular cleaning of the fire pits. Fires are to be attended at ALL times and must be extinguished when not attended to. Fire Rings may not be moved without approval. No items with exception to landscaping block may be placed around the fire pit.
Flexible sewer hoses are not permitted without secure and approved attachment methods and must be approved by resort office. They are to be elevated and placed away from mowing areas.
In addition to individual lot leases tenants will also be responsible for: Dock Slip Lease, individual electrical charges (2 times per season, 4 times per year for year round tenants). Tenants are strongly urged to have a surge protector on their unit. Any damage to items or units due to weather related electric issues is not the liability of the resort. Any wiring beyond the post not done by a licensed electrician will void the responsibility of the resort.
Midco is the internet, phone, and cable/tv provider. Tenants are responsible for the contract and payment of their chosen individual site services. 1-800-888-1300.
Skirting may be required by the resort and is the sole discretion of the Resort management.
Year Round Accessible sites (B side) : All sites on the B side are year round capable sites. The resort guarantees access to the sites but, does not guarantee water will be available for every tenant. The resort keeps these sites open and available throughout the winter months. (If you have a year round accessible site with a seasonal lease, you are required to follow the seasonal site contract dates.) All B site roads will be kept plowed throughout the winter. Individual sites and driveways will not be plowed and separate arrangements will need to be made through the resort or by an approved resort snow plowing company at the lessee's expense. The resort has heated water lines available at each site, and also separate water shutoffs on each and every site. If it's deemed that your RV isn't capable of having water on during cold weather the resort at its discretion will shut water off to your unit. The resort makes no guarantee that your specific RV or park model is capable of sustaining Minnesota winter weather and the running of water. Running of water at your site is at your own risk, and any damage caused to the unit is the owner's sole responsibility. The running of water during cold weather that results in damage to the resort utilities (water/sewer lines) will be the sole responsibility of the lessee renting the lot. RV's including park models are not built or meant for permanent living per federal and state statute. No one is allowed to live as a permanent camper in Pokegama Shores RV Resort and cannot claim their residency as such.
The Grounds: Tenants may not use fireworks, guns, bow and arrows, paintball or pellet guns on any portion of the Resort. Tenants, and their guests, agree to use roadways and walkways for travel, and shall not travel through other sites or climb over any fences, or drive golf carts in common areas. There shall be no watering of any lawn or grass by a Tenant without written approval of the resort management. There shall be no loud talking, music, TV, or other noise between the hours of 11:00 to 8:00 a.m., and disturbing noises shall not be permitted at any time. There shall be no ATVs or go-carts allowed on the premises unless exiting or entering the lot to be parked. Golf carts are permitted as long as they are first registered with the Resort. There is designated ATV parking in the back parking lot. Rollerblading, skateboarding, and biking activities are only allowed during daylight hours and are not permitted at night. Horseplay shall be strictly prohibited. Traffic shall not exceed 10 MPH while on the premises. Speed limits will be strictly adhered to. Vehicles are not permitted to be washed, repaired or painted on the premises.
Storage: Storage buildings, clotheslines and fencing erected by the Tenant shall not be allowed without prior written approval by the Resort. Maximum shed size is 10 x 12.
The parking of empty trailers and fish houses must be in the designated spots only. ONLY ONE boat trailer allowed per tenant. No storing of additional trailers, fish houses or misc items in parking lots. No storing of any boats, fish houses, or trailers in the parking lots over the winter. We do allow storage of boat lifts in the back lots over the winter. All boat trailers must have a tag attached to tongue labeling who it belongs to. (Tags available at the Resort office.)
Docks: Docks are available to Tenants for an additional cost on a first come, first serve basis. No Tenant is guaranteed a dock space. Tenants are not allowed to use any dock space without signing an additional dock lease. Tenants may temporarily tie off to the launch dock while launching or removing their boat from the water. The Resort does not have a lifeguard on duty and the Tenants are responsible for their own safety. Running on the docks, diving or jumping from the docks, horseplay, or any other dangerous conduct is strictly prohibited. Children under the age of 12 shall not be permitted on the docks without adult supervision.
Children: All children under the age of 12 must be under responsible adult supervision at all times. Children under the age of 21 shall be supervised and shall be the sole responsibility of the Tenant with whom the child is staying or visiting. Anyone under 21 must return to their campsite by 10:00 p.m unless accompanied by an adult. The Sale of alcohol to, or the consumption of alcohol by, persons under 21 is forbidden and shall be the cause of immediate eviction or ejection. Use or possession of tobacco by minors in the Resort common Areas is prohibited.
Pets: Pets are allowed in the Resort but must be on a leash and under control at all times. Under no circumstances shall pets be allowed to run free. The Resort reserves the right to revoke the privilege of having pets to any Tenant at any time and for any reason. Tenants will exercise their pets in the designated areas only. Tenants are responsible for cleaning up after pets staying on their site. If a pet causes a disturbance, to include barking, the Resort may require the immediate removal of the pet and may prohibit the pet from the Resort Thereafter.
Sale of Units: Tenants may sell camper / RV units in the campground only with the express written approval of the Resort. The Tenant agrees that the unit may be required to be moved to a different location by the Resort. Leases cannot be transferred to another tenant without an application approval process required by the Resort.
Garbage: The storage, collection, and disposal of refuse and waste shall be done in a manner that does not jeopardize the health and safety of the Tenants and guests. All refuse must be in sealed garbage bags. The dumpsters are for normal daily household garbage and shall not be used to dispose of any large items, appliances, cardboard boxes or hazardous materials. Any prohibited item that is placed in the dumpsters may result in an additional charge to the Tenant.
Violations: Any violations of the Rules and Regulations of Pokegama Shores RV Resort, as determined by the Resort in their sole discretion, shall have the following consequences:
A. The first violation will result in a warning to the Tenant.
B. The second violation will result in a $25.00 fine to the Tenant, and each additional violation will result in a fine increasing by $25.00 for each additional violation.
C. After the third violation, the Resort shall, at their sole discretion, have the right to revoke the Lease and remove the Tenant from the premises. Any seasonal rental amount paid by the Tenant shall be forfeited to the Resort.
Any illegal, criminal, or aggressive and overly disruptive behavior shall be cause for immediate eviction. Any seasonal rental amount already paid by the Tenant shall be forfeited to the Resort.
Amendment and Interpretation: Resort reserves the right to amend these Rules and Regulations, or to add Rules and Regulations, in its sole discretion. The Resort manager shall have the sole responsibility for interpretation and application of the Rules and Regulations. The Resort Manager shall have the discretion to liberally apply these rules for the health, safety, welfare, and enjoyment of the Tenant, visitors, and for the protection of the property of Resort and others. Tenants will be notified 30 days prior to changes or updates to the rules and regulations going into effect. New Rules will be posted either via our facebook page and/or posted on the information board.
Approval to allow Marketing: The signing of a lease agreement allows the resort to use pictures of individual campsites and campers, tenants, family members, for social media and marketing purposes.
Autorenewing Leases: New Leases will not need to be signed every new season. Collection of lot lease payment constitutes a renewal of all leases terms, acceptance of rules, regulations, and amendments. If down payment is not received for the following season, rv/unit will need to be removed and the Resort reserves the right to lease that site.
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